Shocking News
A career turned awful is what i should describe the situation i'm in now...
Was happily employed by The Hour Glass on 20th June 2007, but reality had turned to dream on this very day, 28th November 2007... My manager came down on her off day; wanted to talk to me, i thought it was good news, who knows it turned out to be the opposite...
Having worked so many years in my life, this is the 1st time i was TERMINATED by a company... So sad that i was, even broke down into tears when i was leaving the shop, i mean, it's not like you want to be employed in Hour Glass and they'll give you a chance, it's a company hard to get in but easy to get out...
As the saying goes, being kind to others doesn't mean that people will be kind to you, this world is cruel, nothing is absolute, cherish what you have now or the next minute before you know, it'll be gone...